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Have questions about our Junior Program? Contact Matthew "Buddha" Coerver at or 318-798-8302.


1. January 6th - February 21st

2. February 24th - April 11th

3. April 14th - May 30th


JOEYS (ages 4-6, Red Ball)

Mondays & Thursdays 4:00-4:45pm

This program is a great way for kids to start out playing tennis. This class will utilize a smaller court, and shorter racquets to encourage success in hitting the ball, as well as rally/play. The focus is on hand-eye coordination, basic movement, racquet skills and a lot of FUN!

FUTURE CHAMPS  (ages 7-11, Orange Ball)

Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays 4:00-5:00pm

Future Champs utilizes the orange ball and is focused on 10 & U Tennis. This class helps with racquet skills, stroke production, and fun games. Rallying and basic strategies will be included!

YOUNG A-RODS (ages 11-14, Green Ball)

Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays 5:00-6:00pm

This class is designed for intermediate levels of play. Aces looks into stroke production, technique, rallying and points play. Players will improve their game in a fun, friendly environment!

JUNIOR ACADEMY (ages 10+, Invitation Only)

Wednesdays & Thursdays 5:00-6:30pm

This is a class for players looking to improve their game. Stroke production is focused on, as well as emphasis on match play and strategy. Players are encouraged to start playing tournaments outside of classes.


Click here to learn more!

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